What makes it the best?
Consistent Progress
Meaningful Pursuits helps you go from plan to action without needing motivation (which is a myth, btw). Replace your feelings with systems and habits that make it easy to show up and move the needle every day.
Helps You Prioritize
The fundemental principle behind Meaningful Pursuits is that not all actions are equal, so it teaches you how to reduce your busy work and prioritize the 20% that gives you 80% results
The Framework
Meaningful Pursuits is the result of more than 20 years of research into the best productivity patterns, techniques, tips and tricks. And it's explained to you in actionable plain English.
Guided Journaling
Your brain is for having ideas, not for storing them. Meaningful Pursuits helps you clear your mind to think, plan and action better. Both freely, and with a bit of structure.
Better Planning
Separate the planning from the doing and choose the most impactful actions first with a proven framework.
Better Doing
Making progress is a lot easier when you know exactly what you should do next to move the needle.